Wednesday, June 12, 2019

What information is ok to post online?

We learnt about what information we could post online and what information we should keep private.

Here are some examples of LH09s thoughts.





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  2. Kia ora,My name is Meri. I liked the way you highlighted the bad, okay and good things to post online. Next time maybe you could check your spelling. The bit where it said hello my name is Herman it said Hel o. But that is okay just make sure you show a friend first. You taught me what to post and what not to post online. This was a very good post. Thanks Meri

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  4. Hi my name is Lyla and I go to Oruaiti School. I liked the way you highlighted the good, bad and okay things that you can post on your blog. It really helps people by giving them an idea on what they should and shouldn’t post online. This post taught me something about what I should and shouldn’t post on my blog or online. This also reminds me of the time my class made an info graphic on what we can and can’t share online. What format did you make the poster on?

  5. Hello my name is Hinewai I’m a student at Oruaiti school. I liked the way you showed the positive things your supposed to post on your blogs. But next time you could add a reflection of what you think is safe to post and what’s not. I’d love to here your opinion on this post and see what your thoughts are. This reminded me of when my class did a poster of the safe and non-safe thing to post on your blog.

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  7. Hi my name is Kyra and I go to oruaiti school. I liked the way you shaded the things you should and shouldn't post on your blog in red, green and orange. It really helps me and other people think about what we should be posting on our blogs. You taught me what you should and shouldn't post on your blog. How did you highlight the words?

    Hi my name is Kyra and I go to oruaiti school. I liked the way you shaded the things you should and shouldn't post on your blog in red, green and orange. It really helps me and other people think about what we should be posting on our blogs. You taught me what you should and shouldn't post on your blog. How did you highlight the words?

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  9. Kia ora LH09.
    The part that stood out for me is when you highlighted the parts that were good, Not so good to post and what you were not sure of.
    Try and add a reflection it is really good because your readers/viewers can see what you did and your next steps.
    You taught me not to post where I live, my phone number, my birthday and my email
    Thanks Matthew.

  10. Hi my name is Arahi
    I enjoyed reading your blog on what is personal info and what is not. Next time try check your work with a friend the only things I saw you do wrong is that you spelt Hell o like that but that's ok. The other one was the email question because if it gets hacked people can get your personal info. This reminded me how to be safe when posting on my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future.
    Thanks Arahi

  11. Hi my name is Kingston
    I admire how you highlighted the things you should post about and the things you shouldn't that also helps viewers to have an idea on what to post about.I think you should try to add a reflection, so other viewers can learn how to create something similar. The way you showed us what to post about was very unique and I really enjoyed you blog post.
    Thanks Kingston.

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  13. Hello, I am Kobe, From Totora Class, Oruaiti School.

    I loved this because you show us a way to be safer in an interesting way. Maybe you could try showing other students versions of this.
    You taught me to be safer on the internet. Did everyone in the class do this?

    Thank you for teaching me something new, ~Kobe.

  14. Ola senor my name is Isaac I am a year 7 and I am a 11 years old and I go to Oruaiti .
    I quite like that you told us about what is right to post online and what is wrong , it is really COOL to know!
    How did you do make the post? I liked it because it had a bold font and it was easy to read.
    The facts are the most useful but in the future, the background could be more colourful.

    Thanks, Isaac

  15. Hi my name is Lj and I am in Totara Class at Oruaiti School. I like the way you highlighted red green and orange. Next time maybe you could use a bit more juicy words if you don't know what juicy words are they are more interesting words. You taught me how to be more safe online.
    Thanks Lj

  16. Hello, My name is Tawhiri,

    I enjoyed the part when you, used a lot of detail and colours in your post, that made it stick out. maybe add your reflection so that your viewers can have your own point about it.
    Maybe improve on using more information during your post . The facts you used are really creative and you have taught me something, on not to spread private information onto the public.
    Thanks Tawhiri

  17. Hello Ambar my name is Harmony.
    I really like your colorful post.
    I like the way that you put colours and interesting facts about yourself in your post.
    I want to know why you used highlights. Maybe next time you can try put bolder writing it will make it a lot more easier to read.
    You brought me back to when I was doing my about
    me for my blog the facts you used were very helpful. I would love it if you made more post so I can get to know you more.
    Thank you from Harmony


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